Innovation and Sustainability a Focus for UK Lab Show
WITec Jubilee Celebrates 25 Years of Innovation
Chromatography Column Packs Support Protein Purification Workflows
Smart Laboratories - The Future of the Lab
Innovative Ultra-compact Czerny-Turner Spectrometer Showcasing at WWEM 2022
Fritsch’s Universal Cutting Mills PULVERISETTE 19 are the perfect tools for comminution of dry, soft to hard, tough to brittle, fibrous as well as temperature-sensitive materials. The variable speed adjustment between 300-3000 rpm guarantees a fast and effective fine comminution. With the slow-speed Universal Cutting Mill with 50-700 rpm, extremely powerful comminution is achieved even for smaller sample quantities.
• Variable adjustable rotor speed - for fine as well as powerful comminution • Residue-free cleaning - unbeatable fast, simple and efficient • Available as stainless-steel versions for the analytical sector, food and pharmaceutical industry Different rotors with various knife geometries, replaceable blades, practical sieve cassettes and a multitude of patented ideas simplify your daily use.
A particularly effective comminution is achieved by combining the Universal Cutting Mill with a Fritsch Cyclone separator for sample exhaustion. Your advantages: easier sample feeding, significantly higher throughput, minimised thermal load, enables higher final fineness, even with materials that are difficult to grind.
For residue-free cleaning all grinding parts of the Cutting Mills can be removed within seconds without tools. This results in a completely open, empty grinding chamber with minimised dead space and smooth interior walls for quick and easy cleaning and reliable protection against cross-contamination. Watch the video to view the unmatched ease of cleaning:
Experience the Fritsch Cutting Mills virtually directly at your workplace and discuss your specific application with expert application consultants. Just arrange your virtual consultation appointment now with our application consultant. Make your appointment now.
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ACS National Meeting & Expo, Fall 2022
Aug 21 2022 Chicago, IL, USA & Online
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