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Notice of Virtual Public Information Meeting #2 - Proposed Radiocommunication Tower 10651 Old Scugog Rd, Blackstock, ON (44.070028, -78.802917) Shared Tower Inc. File Number: STC0044 Tie Wire

In order to improve wireless network coverage and capacity in the North end corridor of Burketon Station, LandSquared, on behalf of our client, Shared Tower Inc., is proposing a new tower at 10651 Old Scugog Rd in Blackstock (located in the Northwest corner of the proposed site).
What Kind of Tower is Proposed?
A 65-metre Steel Self-Support style tower, to be located in the Northeast corner along Old Scugog Rd and Byers Rd.
The tower will be located in a square-shaped fenced compound on the North property line. The compound dimensions are approximately 15m x 15m and the proposed fence surrounding the compound will be a high chain link fence.
Municipal address: 10651 Old Scugog Rd, Blackstock, ON Coordinates of tower compound: 44.070028, -78.802917
Why is this installation needed?
Given the current climate of residents working from home, there has been an increased demand for cellular and internet coverage. The proposed installation is required to improve wireless coverage and network capacity to the immediate Burketon Station and Blackstock area, especially to the residents living to the South and North of Byers Road.
The closest existing telecommunications facility to the proposed tower is a 90m Guyed-wire Rogers Communications tower at 2173 Concession Rd 9, approximately 4.7km to the South. This tower is situated at too great of a distance to serve the immediate Clarington area.
In summary, there are no suitable collocation opportunities as an alternative to the proposed tower, and the proposed tower can accommodate equipment from multiple licensed telecommunications service providers. The proposed cellular tower would bring better and more consistent network coverage in the area and would work cohesively with the surrounding existing towers.
In October 14, 2021, a virtual Public Information Meeting was held. Verbal and written comments were received from 7 residents. As result of the ongoing COVID-19 situation and to maintain physical distancing, a second Public Information Meeting will be hosted online via Google Meet to provide clarification of the concerns raised during the first public consultation period and address any further questions and comments. The virtual public meeting will be held on:
Thursday, February 17, 2022, at 6:30 PM. Please copy this link on your browser to join the meeting online: Video call link: Or dial: (CA) +1 226-213-9680 PIN: 524 872 240#
If you wish to participate electronically or by telephone in the Public Information Sessions, please contact the LandSquared Municipal Affairs team below before the meeting starts. Please reference the file number STC0044 in your correspondence.
Following this public information session, LandSquared will work to address any further comments received. A public meeting will also be hosted by the Township as part of the Township’s review of the telecommunication tower proposal.
LandSquared, on behalf of Shared Tower Inc. 146 Thirtieth St, suite 100 Etobicoke, ON M8W 3C4 647-241-2788
Nicola Alston, Planner, The Township of Scugog 181 Perry St., PO Box 780 Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1A7 905-985-7346
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISEDC), formerly Industry Canada, is the governing body for installations of this type and can be contacted at:
ISEDC – Toronto District Office 151 Yonge Street, 4th Floor, Toronto, ON M5C 2W7 General information on wireless infrastructure:
Radio-communication tower/antenna systems are exclusively regulated by Federal legislation under the Radio-communication Act and administered by ISEDC. Therefore, Provincial or municipal legislation, including zoning by-laws, does not apply to these facilities.
It is important to understand that ISEDC mandates proponents follow the local land use authority’s telecommunications tower protocol, if applicable, but ultimate authority to approve or reject the construction of a new telecommunications tower rests exclusively with ISEDC.
In the case of this proposal, the framework for consultation is the CPC-2-0-03 — Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems, a copy of which may be found at:
Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 Compliance
Health Canada’s role is to protect the health of Canadians, so it is the Department’s responsibility to research and investigate any possible health effects associated with exposure to electromagnetic energy, such as that coming from cell phones and base stations. Health Canada has developed guidelines for safe human exposure to RF energy, which are commonly known as Safety Code 6. Safety Code 6 has been adopted by ISEDC and is included in their regulatory documents on radiocommunication licensing and operational requirements. ISEDC requires all proponents and operator to ensure that their installations and apparatus comply with the Safety 6 at all times.
Shared Tower Inc. attests that the radio antenna systems described in this notice will comply with Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 limits, as may be amended from time to time, for the protection of the general public including any combined effects of additional carrier co-locations and nearby installations within the local radio environment.
For more information on Safety Code 6, please visit following Health Canada site:
Shared Tower Inc. attests that the radio antenna system as proposed for this site will be constructed in compliance with the applicable Canadian Standard Association (CSA) standards for telecommunications tower sites and comply with good engineering practices including structural adequacy.
Shared Tower Inc. attests that the radio antenna system as proposed for this site will comply with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The Federal government revised the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act in July 2012. Only radiocommunication antenna and supporting structures that are part of or incidental to projects that are designated by the Regulations Designating Physical Activities or otherwise designated by the Minister of the Environment as requiring an environmental assessment are subject to the CEAA, 2012.
Transport Canada’s Aeronautical Obstruction Marking Requirements
Shared Tower Inc. attests that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will comply with Transport Canada / NAV Canada aeronautical safety requirements. When Transport Canada / NAV Canada have determined if any aeronautical safety features are required for the installation, such information will be made available for public review.
Submissions received shall form part of ISEDC’s Public Consultation Process under the Spectrum Management and Radiocommunications Client Procedures Circular CPC-2-0-03, Issue 5, and may be made public as part of a report issued to interested partied, the Municipality and ISEDC.
© 2021 Township of Scugog, 181 Perry St., PO Box 780, Port Perry ON L9L 1A7, Phone: 905-985-7346, After Hours Township Issues: 905-434-2173

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