ESI Eurosilo - Power Technology

2022-04-25 06:48:26 By : Mr. Jerry Zhu

ESI Eurosilo can support you with decades of experience in engineering and turnkey delivery of mammoth silos for advanced bulk solids storage solutions.

When it comes to advanced storage solutions for bulk solids, ESI Eurosilo can support you with decades of experience in engineering and turnkey delivery of mammoth silos. These fully enclosed storage facilities, ranging from 1,000m3 to 100,000m3, offer maximum control in material handling, while saving operational costs and valuable space for expansion. With over 120 units built around the world, ESI Eurosilo serves a variety of customers in today’s major industries, from the power industry to basic chemicals and agriculture. As a leading company in our field, our aim is to deliver technology that will help you meet economical, physical and environmental demands in the best possible way. The Eurosilo® concept

The Eurosilo® concept combines enclosed storage with a choice of ingenious reclaim mechanisms. These mechanisms are designed to enable reclamation of even such sticky bulk solids as FGD gypsum, making the notorious ‘flow-no flow’ criteria a thing of the past. Even more impressively, this proven concept meets the requirements of environmental protection agencies worldwide.

Accumulating more than 40 years of experience, ESI Eurosilo has built over 120 units around the world. Operation principles

In the Eurosilo system, the bulk solid content accumulates in horizontal layers. The material enters the silo through the top centre of the silo, descends through a telescopic spout and is distributed uniformly by means of a screw conveyor system suspended from a slewing-bridge structure. The Eurosilo system offers four main reclaim methods: At the LünenTrianel power plant two 100,000m³ coal storage silos are in full operation. The Eurosilo screw mechanism for storing and discharging the coal within the 100,000m³ coal storage silo. At the Salmasaari Power Station of Helsinki Energy, ESI has built an underground coal storage system consisting of four silo units each containing 50,000t of steam coal. This system has replaced the outdoor storage. At Vattenfall Power Station Tiefstack, in Hamburg, Germany, ESI has built a coal handling system on a turnkey basis, consisting of two 50,000m³ silos including infeed and outfeed belt conveyors housed in enclosed galleries. The typical outfit of the Eurosilo system, which fills and reclaims the silo automatically at an adjustable rate - simultaneously filling and reclaiming is also possible. Using silos will result in an optimal land utilization compared with an A-frame shed. The compact design of a Eurosilo system is a great benefit, especially for power stations, which have to be retrofitted with an FGD plant. This benefit can be even greater if the dewatering is placed on top of the silo. The Eurosilo for FGD Gypsum storage with its space saving design. By placing the dewatering station on top of the silo and the truck loading station underneath the land utilisation is optimised. At the Polaniec power plant in Poland both a 14,000m³ FGD Gypsum silo and a 16,500m³ crushed limestone silo were installed. Core Flow forcoal storage Core Flow with Central Column for coal, potato starch and soybeans Slotted Central Column for cohesive materials like fertiliser, salt and FGD gypsum Shutter Column System for materials with a very small particle size like fly ash Options

Eurosilos are custom-made to the customer’s requirements. A range of options are available: The silo can be built with a steel structure, a wooden inner wall and standard outer wall cladding, as a slip-formed concrete silo or as a steel tank. Tracing and/or insulation of the outer wall are also available Additional dewatering can be achieved through the silo drainage and by installing an optional vacuum unit The systems can be equipped with remote control operation, based on data bus systems Extended silo structures for mounting equipment, for example, a dewatering station at the top of an FGD gypsum silo Truck and train loading facilities, including a weighing system, can be constructed directly below the silo These options are a selection of many possibilities. Each silo can be customized to your needs and requirements Why Eurosilo?

The patented Eurosilo system offers many significant advantages. Importantly, the system causes no pollution through dust or groundwater percolation. The system also prevents moisture increase by external influences, which keeps product degradation to an absolute minimum. In addition, the Eurosilo system requires considerably less groundspace than other storage systems: up to 60% less space than open stockpiles for the same storage capacity!

On top of that, the Eurosilo system enables smooth reclamation of cohesive materials, such as FGD gypsum, even after three months. Another major advantage is the option for Dynamic Coal Blending, reclaiming different grades of coal from multiple silos at a controlled rate. The system also ensures a high availability of equipment. Most importantly however, the system offers huge cost savings, due to low operating, maintenance and waste costs. Storage facilities for coal fired power plants

With the limited economic perspective of alternative energy and a global hesitance to nuclear power, we believe that coal-based power generation will maintain its prominent position for years to come. The increasing need for power of today’s society is however rivalled by the growing environmental concern and the subsequent legislation. With innovative storage facilities, we support customers worldwide to make these ends meet. A range of robust solutions is designed to significantly improve cost-efficiency, while enhancing long-term sustainability, safety and productivity. The innovative storage solution for coal

The Eurosilo system addresses all critical issues of coal storage in an innovative and cost-efficient way. Conventional open-air storage leads to costly environmental drawbacks and loss of calorific value. Also, it requires sufficient space at your plant site. Enclosed storage in a highly-automated Eurosilo solves all these problems at the smallest possible footprint. The system offers a storage capacity of up to 100,000m³ so far. The coal is fed from the top into a chute through which it reaches the auger frame on the coal surface. Two parallel screw conveyors distribute the material over the entire area while the auger frame rotates. Reclaiming is done at the bottom of the silo, while the screw conveyors rotate in reverse to feed coal into the formed core flow. Cost-efficient all-in-one solution for FGD gypsum

The Eurosilo storage solution for FGD gypsum incorporates three vital functions at the smallest possible footprint. Dewatering, storage and load out are all located in one fully-automated silo system. Compared to shed storage, this adds up to numerous advantages. Instead of a separate dewatering, storage and load out facility – needing operators, power shovels and transport – there is only one cost-effective solution. Not only will it reduce the required space to a third, it will also minimize the necessary headcount and improve the operational reliability in handling FGD gypsum. Compared to storage silos equipped with a bottom discharge plow feeder system, our system increases the storage period from a few days to more than three months without the risk of block-ups.

The most significant benefit of using the Eurosilo storage and handling system in a coal fired power station is, first and foremost, efficient and flexible use of space.

Because the use of wood pellets as a biomass fuel is expected to grow tenfold or more, the logistics solutions need to measure up to handling unprecedented volumes.

Thanks to the incredible flexibility of the Eurosilo gypsum storage system, 35 gypsum silos have been built all around the world, many of which are retrofits.

Besides the core flow system and the central slotted column system for cohesive materials, we have developed a system that is able to handle materials with a very small particle size.

ESI Eurosilo provides complete inspection and maintenance solutions for your silo installation.

In order to eliminate block-ups caused by the poor flow properties of limestone, a slotted central column was designed to ensure smooth reclaiming.

Every system works best when kept up to date.

ESI Eurosilo maintains a wear and spare parts service with staff capable of catering to all of our customers' needs.

With more than 160 Eurosilos built around the world and more than 50 years of experience in the agribulk, power and chemical industries, ESI has become a global leader in advanced storage solutions for non-free-flowing bulk materials.

Eurosilo has developed a first-of-its-kind 100,000m³ coalsilo system.

The Trianel coal-fired power plant in Lünen, Germany, is home to the largest coal silo storage facility in Europe, containing 100,000m³ per silo.

German municipal utility, Stadtwerke Kiel, is developing Europe's most modern gas engine heating power plant on the eastern shore of the Kieler Förde inlet in northern Germany.

Datteln 4, a 1.1GW power plant in Germany, stands among the world’s most modern coal-fired power plants under development.

Trianel Kohlekraftwerk Lünen (TKL) developed the 750MW hard coal-fired power plant at Lünen, Germany.

The Lippendorf power plant in Germany has been modernized and slightly expanded, and is now producing 16,000MW of electr

In November, shipment inspections to the new thermal power plant in Seocheon, South Korea, construction site were successfully completed.

The new plant built by MHPS-E at the RTU thermal power facility in Bosnia and Herzegovina has produced first FGD gypsum.

ESI Eurosilo recently received its biggest ever order with the request for three large coal silos from EMBA Hunutlu thermal power plant.

ESI Eurosilo has signed a deal for the engineering and project management of eight coal silos at a thermal power plant in Shin SeoCheon, South Korea.

ESI Eurosilo increased its sales activities during the management buyout in 2017 and the results over the past one-and-a-half years have exceeded every expectation.

To provide NTPC Group in India comprehensive insight in the feasibility of replacing open stockyard storage of coal by enclosed storage, ESI has finished a thorough report to compare both solutions.

Decreasing emissions of sulphur dioxide from coal-fired power plants increases environmental benefits. The flue gas desulfurisation process produces high-quality FGD gypsum.

KMC has cooperated with ESI Eurosilo to build a potato starch silo at the Brande, Denmark plant site.

ESI Eurosilo is working hard to meet the schedule for the delivery of a full stack FGD Gypsum silo at the thermal power plant of RTU in Bosnia Herzegovina.

When decreasing emissions of sulfur dioxide from coal-fired power facilities, there is an evident environmental benefit.

TAURON Polska Energia is constructing a new 910MW power unit in the southern Polish city of Jaworzno, and has chosen a Eurosilo as its system of choice to store the output of FGD-Gypsum.

ESI Eurosilo has announced that the first petcoke has been loaded into the brand new Eurosilo storage facility built in Oman.

ESI Eurosilo will be attending Powergen Europe 2016.

ESI Eirosilo is carrying out the turnkey delivery of a 25,000 tonne potato starch silo for the Beidahuang Potato Group in Jiusan.

The fertiliser plant at the Yara Porsgrunn site in Norway is being upgraded to increase its production capacity.

On 4th and 5th of November 2015, the seventh edition of SOLIDS Dortmund will take place at Dortmund Westfalenhallen, SOLIDS Dortmund 2015 is going to be the leading trade show for powder and bulk technologies in Germany in 2015.

At the PKN ORLEN refinery in Plock Poland, the first real live filling process of their new 5,800m³ FGD Gypsum silo was completed successfully.

The sixth Power Gen Europe exhibition is coming up in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. From 9 to 11 June participants from more than 100 countries worldwide will gather to present their solutions.

Recently, ESI Eurosilo has created a DVD showing you the smart storage solution for FGD Gypsum. In an overview, the working principle and benefits of applying the Eurosilo system for FGD Gypsum is introduced.

ESI Eurosilo will appear at Power-Gen Europe 2009 in Cologne. At the event the company will inform visitors about the latest advances in world-renowned Eurosilo systems, such as the Lunen coal storage project. Please visit the company at booth 8/P29 in Holland Power Pavilion.

To keep the environmental impacts of the transport and storage of the coal to a minimum, Trianel has chosen to store the coal fully enclosed. The Eurosilo system is not only meeting the strictest environmental and safety regulations worldwide, but is also a practical and economically efficient wa

ESI Eurosilo will prolong its successful attendance at the Power Gen Europe 2008 in Milano. Here we can inform you on the latest developments of the well proven Eurosilo systems. You are more than welcome to visit us at booth H20 in the Holland Power Pavillion in hall 5. For

Jaap Ruijgrok of ESI Eurosilo BV signed a cooperation agreement with Sudy Vohra of Dearborn Mid-West Conveyor Company Company (DMW) last July for the exclusive representation of the Eurosilo system for North America.

(report on self heating scenarios of coal stacks) For large enclosed coal storage, three main configurations are available, namely: Longitudinal storage (A-frame shed) Circular storage (Dome Type) Silo storage Decisive factors in determ

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